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Company Growth and Expansion Update

PUBLISHED August 2012

Our construction and company expansion are really beginning to take shape as the external structures, walls and roofing are now in place. We have expanded our refrigeration space by 57,000 square feet increasing coolers, doubling the freezer space and adding two new temperature zones. Produce including fruits, vegetables, some nuts and herbs will be housed in the 45-48°F zone. Additional items such as sugar, rice, pasta, grains and others that need to be kept at a cool temperature of 70°F will be housed in the other additional chill dock zone. The expansion also includes additional tonnage in our new meat cutting room which we previously did not have enough space for. Some products you can expect to see increase in stocks include: sliced pork and lamb chops, cut-up beef and lamb for stew, cut-up chicken for souse, cut chicken leg quarters, sliced deli meats and more.

Construction is moving quickly and we anticipate opening in early 2013. The additional warehouse will update our entire refrigeration system making it state of the art and energy efficient. One of our highest cost is energy and we are in the process or switching to all LED lighting.