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Freight Announcement

Over the past few months, the constraints of global logistics has impacted the cost of shipping on a worldwide level. Sysco Bahamas has received several freight increases during the year 2022, and chose to absorb the additional costs.

Recently, Sysco Bahamas has been advised of further freight increases for 2023and has consequently had to make the decision to increase the rates associated with Family Island freight effective 1st February 2023. More details on the new rates will be provided in due course.

Please know that we remain committed to providing you with the best service possible, and are actively working on ways to reduce impact to you, our valued customer.

If you have questions, please reach out to your sales representative or contact us online.

Sysco Bahamas Food Services is now the largest food distributor based in the Bahamas, serving all major islands and many small and private cays. Find out more here.